Список исполнителей на букву T
- The Great Kat
- the great Luke Ski
- The Great Old Ones
- The Great Plague
- The Great Singapore Replay, NAMIE
- The Great Sleep
- The Great Sleep feat. Heike Langhans
- The Great Society
- The Great Wilderness
- The Great Willows
- The Greatest American Hero Theme Song
- The Greatest Show
- The Greatest Showman
- The Greatest Showman Ensemble
- The greatest speech ever
- The Greatful Dead
- The Green Apple Sea
- The Green Car Motel
- The Green Children
- The Green Ghildren
- The Green Man
- The Green River Boys, Glen Campbell
- The Green Snake of Kitsch
- The Greenhornes
- The Greenhornes with Holly Golightly
- The Greeting Committee
- The Greg Kihn Band
- The Gregg Allman Band
- The Gregory Brothers
- The Grenma
- The Grey Era feat. TGETruth, TGEwatts, TGEmarx
- The Greyman
- The Greys
- The grim adventures of billy and mandy
- The Grim Reaper
- The Grinning Ghosts
- The Grip Weeds
- The Griswalds
- The Griswolds
- The Grits
- The Gritz
- The Groove feat. Tiara Effendy
- The Groovers
- The Grouch
- The Grouch x Eligh x CunninLynguists
- The Ground Is Lava
- The Groundhogs
- The Group
- The Groupies
- The Grover
- The Growlers
- The Grubbles
- The Grus
- The GTO's
- The Guadaloops, Cozy Cuz
- The Guess Who
- The Guess Who 1969 American Woman
- The Guess Who 1970 American Woman
- The Guest and the Host
- The Guggenheim Grotto
- The Guggenheim Grotto.
- The Guild
- The Guild Feat Felicia Day
- The Guild feat. Felicia Day
- The Guild League
- The Guillemots
- The Gumbas
- The Gun Club
- The Gun Show
- The Gunfighters
- The Guru
- The Gutbuckets
- The Gutter Brothers
- The Gutter Twins
- The Gykers Group
- The Gym All-Stars
- The Gypsy And The Cat
- The Gypsy Bard
- The Gypsy Kings
- The Gypsy Kings -
- The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society
- the H.a.t.e.
- The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
- The HAARP Machine
- The Haba
- The Hacker Feat. Perspects
- The Haden Triplets
- The Haggard
- The Hair Ball
- The Hal Sparks Band
- The Halfseason
- The Hall Of Mirrors
- The Hallway
- The Halo Benders
- The Halo Effect
- The Hamas
- The Hampdens
- The Hancock
- The Handcuffs
- The Hands Automaton
- The Handsome Family
- The Hang Ups
- The Hanson Brothers
- The Hanson Brothers.
- The Happenings
- The Happy Fits
- The Happy Hollows
- The Happy Medium
- The Hapunks Sisters
- The Hapunks Sisters , Vj Маленькая Принцесска, Маэстро Ибрагим
- The Harbour Band
- The Hard Lessons
- The Hardcoholics
- The Hardkis
- The HARDKISS feat. Pol Solonar
- THE HARDKISS make up
- The Hardy Boyz
- The Harlem Gospel Choir
- The Harlem Hamfats
- The Harmed Brothers
- The Harmonizing Four
- The Harmony Band
- The Harptones
- The Harry Allen And Joe Cohn Quartet 2004 Hey Look Me Over
- The Harry Simeone Chorale
- The Harvest
- The Harvesters
- The Hassan Assassin
- The Hassles
- The Hat
- The Hated
- The Hatters
- The Hatters feat. Эльдар Джарахов
- The Hatters, Найк Борзов
- The Haunted
- The Have Nots
- The Haven
- The Hawk In Paris
- The Hawkins
- The Hawkmen
- The Hay Balers feat. Matt Scullion, James Blundell, Tania Kernaghan, Drew McAlister, Simply Bushed
- The Haze
- The Hazzards
- The Head And The Heart
- The Head Cat
- The Headliners
- The Heads feat. Maria McKee
- The Heads feat. Shaun Ryder
- The Heads, Deborah Harry, Johnette Napolitano, Tina Weymouth
- The Headstones
- The Healing
- The Heart Get No Sleep
- The Heart Throbs
- The Heartbeat
- The Heartbeats
- The Heartbreakers
- The Heartburns
- The Heartland
- The Hearts
- The Heathers
- The Heatstroke
- The Heatwave
- The Heave
- The Heavens
- The Heavy
- The Heavy - How You Like Me Now
- The Heavy feat. 50 Cent
- The Heavy feat. The Dap Kings Horns
- THE HEAVY HITTERS Acoustic Project
- The Heavy Horses
- The Heavy OST Боец
- The Heavy's
- The HeavyTrackerz feat. Yana Toma
- The Hebbe Sisters
- The Hebbe Sisters, Wolfgang Lohr
- The Heiden Underground
- The Heights
- The Heirs
- the heirs ost
- The Helio Sequence
- The Hell
- The Hellacopters
- The Hellblinki Sextet
- The Hellfreaks
- The Heptones
- The Herbaliser
- The Hereafter
- The Hermione Crookshanks Experience
- The Heroine Sheiks
- The Herrey's
- the hertz
- The Hex Girls
- The Hex Girls с участием Daphne,Komey и Velma
- The Hex Girls. Trap Of Love
- The Hextalls