Kondak 1
Chosen from the devil’s ministry to serve the true God and to the faces of the saints, holy Martyr Cyprian, pray the God of Christ, rid us of the evil nets and conquer the world, flesh and devil, let us call: Rejoice, holy martyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer for souls.
Ikos 1
The angelic powers marveled at how, from the art of magic, thou art, godliness, turned to cognition of the Divine, and through repentance found thou angelic impassioned life. We, amazed at your conversion, cry this: Rejoice, astonishment at your conversion of angels; Rejoice, glad face of the saints. Rejoice, having shown your wisdom: Rejoice, having given a crown to Christ. Rejoice, for by thee the demons drive away; Rejoice, for the diseases are healed with thee. Rejoice, holy martyr Cyprian, first aid and prayer for our souls.
Kondak 2
Turning from the art of the magical, godly wisdom, to the knowledge of God, if you are the wisest physician to the world, granting healing to the honoring thee, Cyprian, with Justina, praying to the man-lover Our Lord who is singing: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
The mind is imperfect to the understanding of the truth of the Divine, having, in the blinding of the pagan being, studying demonic tricks, he worked hard. But having understood, as if they were afraid of the Cross of the Lord, you knew the weakness of the demon, and having turned away from the ministry of the evil one, you came to the Temple of the Lord, for this sake we call: Rejoice, learned the tricks of the demon; Rejoice, revealing the delights of his ministry. Rejoice, shameful serpent of the evil one; Rejoice, wise man of this world. Rejoice, the most rational, the most rational; Rejoice, priest-martyr Cyprian, first aid and prayer book for our souls.
Kondak 3
The power of Vyshnyago enlightened is your mind, Cyprians, always having no success in the sorceries of Aglaid to Justin, the demons claim: "We are afraid of the Cross and we lose strength, always pray for Justin." He also said to them: “If you are afraid of the Cross, then how crucified you are on the Cross are worse than you are,” and having learned the demonic weakness, he entered the temple of the Lord with all the faithful: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Having a mind enlightened by power from above, Cyprian went to the bishop, asking for the baptism of him, but he, fearing, refused him. The holy idea was in the temple of the Lord and standing at the Liturgy, did not go out to eat from the temple, the deacon always proclaimed: “Announced, go out. “I will not leave the temple,” Cyprian’s speech to the bishop, “don’t baptize me before the youth.” We, rejoicing in your admonition, sing such one: Rejoice, enlightened by strength from above; Rejoice, reasoned unto the Lord. Rejoice, knowing power of the Cross. Rejoice, driving the demons away from you. Rejoice, righteous life; Rejoice, footsteps to the church. Rejoice, holy martyr Cyprian, first aid and prayer book for our souls.
Kondak 4
A storm of thoughts possessed by cha: some hide of baptism. We’ve taken all our sorcerous books into place, the saint putting them in the middle of the city and burning them to eat, singing to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Having heard about you, the bishop, having blessed himself with good intentions in Christ, has baptized, baptized thee and set him up as a reader in the temple of God. For this sake, in a cry to thee: Rejoice, triumphant evil spirits; Rejoice, spellbound book of sorcerers; Rejoice, longed-for being a Christian; Rejoice, holy priest baptism. Rejoice, instructed by the bishop; Rejoice, one delivered in the temple as a reader. Rejoice, holy martyr Cyprian, first aid and prayer book for our souls.
Kondak 5
The cloth of holy baptism, which he received, about Cyprian, earnestly prayed to God for the forgiveness of sins that had been committed before, singing tirelessly to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
Seeing the bishop your deeds and labors, the holy martyr Cyprian, fasting, multi-night vigil, kneeling, tearful prayers, and after a month, he set the deacon. We, thanks to God, praise thee: Rejoice, cry for the day and night; Rejoice, stretching out thy hands unto him. Rejoice, asking for forgiveness of Togo; Rejoice, offering tearful prayers to Him. Rejoice, showing fiery love for God; Rejoice, holy martyr Cyprian, first aid and prayer book for our souls.
Kondak 6
The preacher of the truth of Christ appeared thou, glorious to the holy martyr Cyprian, jealous of the God-seers as an apostle, enlightening people with Christ’s teaching, they, knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, sing to God: Hallelujah.
Ikos 6
Ascending in your heart the light of Divine grace, Cyprian, having ascended to the height of spiritual perfection, he attained the priesthood, and afterwards he was ordained a bishop. Therefore, for the sake of your prayers to the Lord, enlighten our hearts to the warmth of those who pray: Rejoice, consecrated bishop; Rejoice, up to the height of an eagle. Rejoice, hail, standing at the top of the mountain; Rejoice, light, burning before God. Rejoice, tireless prayer to God; Rejoice, teacher blessed by God. Rejoice, holy martyr Cyprian, first aid and prayer book for our souls.
Kondak 7
Although the Lover of God is saved by all, granting us a wondrous prayer book, intercessor and healer from the spirits of the wickedness of heaven, your deeds and words brought you many to repentance and rectify the sinful life, teaching everything