Month May, who is in love with whom?
The month of May, he knows only
The month of May is like a beautiful dream
Month May, Month, Month May.
The month of May, we were friends,
Month May, my youth,
The month of May, I will not forget,
Month May, Month, Month May.
And in November it rains.
And do not tears, just believe and wait,
The month of May will be back.
And in January under the tune of winter,
We are lying in the snow, but we will be resurrected,
The month of May will be back.
Month May, he will come again,
The month of May, what will bring us
The month of May, can save us,
Month May, Month, Month May.
And in November it rains.
And do not tears, just believe and wait,
The month of May will be back.
And in January under the tune of winter,
We are lying in the snow, but we will be resurrected,
The month of May will be back.
Month May, Month May
Month May, Month, Month May.