In the depths, their dreams, ruins
I go to bed and close the eyelids,
And there is someone alone in the world
I want to find him
Sit and listen to her
They tell them about how they need
How we all here are needed by each other,
In dreams, your affairs, paintings
I am flying, slamming the doors,
And someone is sick and poor,
I want to console him, help him,
Hug her, give them hope,
In longing, their memories, laws
I look, forget the years
And someone would live with a moment,
But to live, as I can no longer,
God will put her to sleep,
He will give them everything he can,
He can do everything, but I am so little
And without him, he would completely disappear
May the will be your will!
I am blind, insignificant, deaf and him
And I don’t understand why I have light,
Why do you give me your light?
In the heart, in itself, in their eyes
I'm looking for my Lord,
And someone is looking for, like me,
About the same asks you:
Have mercy on my Lord.