You fell a victim to the evil strife ,
Fellow citizens , brothers , Slavs,
By the grace of your corrupt leaders
You cannon fodder they become .
Unity , born in terrible battles ,
Fastened grandfather's blood,
Lies under the feet of a mole in the edges
Slander , hatred and backbiting .
Roaring planes, and tanks rumble ,
And crumbling white building ,
And the prince of the kings of dirt sitting
And multiply the people suffering,
And wholesale in brothel red virgins sell
Morons to light produce ,
& quot; Royal & quot; We poison and poor fruit,
And trash & quot; blue & quot; bred .
Flawed advertising scored ether,
What was his - that decayed ,
By the reception hosts prepare our world ,
Want to have more have died ,
And weak today is bent into an arc ,
Silly promises enticing ,
Rent inch by inch Power enemy
Free slaves pay .
Vitiyam vicious time to really know
That betrayed his beliefs ,
They glory apostles vvek not acquire ,
I will never see them forgiveness ,
And their patrons from abroad
More otrygnёtsya misfortune ,
And get up with aching death -bed ,
And the beast - adversary shudder !
Before them smokes sick country -
Land without end and without ,
But the terrible truth in his writings
Already Hand writes them fatal .
There will come a time to wake up and people -
United and mighty , free
And fell to his shoulders demourod -
Rotten , hateful , rootless !
March 1993