Love the world, but not in him, and his in itself,
Love one big family house.
He is given to us one at all, forever and com
Our world, our world, our world, our world.
Light light, burn fire in my chest,
God's flames in it will not deviate the soul.
To the filler meadows of good, where full of healing herbs,
Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.
Do not judge, and you will not judge
Do yourself in your good deeds
In the creation of the day, happiness of a sunny day, in words,
Skinless spring, warm spring is not fear.
From birth to death very brief MiG,
But how much we still have time to do with you,
Love, verb "give", and will come to you then
Success, success, success, success.
Do not judge, and you will not judge
Do yourself in your good deeds
In the creation of the day, happiness of a sunny day, in words,
Fantastic spring, warm spring is not fear.
We change the trunk caliber on the size of a verse,
And the length of the speeches on the duration of notes,
Fills let a row of bright music glass
Wine, wine, wine, wine.
Love the world, but not in him, and his in itself,
Love one big family house.
He is given to us one at all, forever and com
Our world, our world, our world, our world.