Alinka knew all
I'm going to change ...
roads coke
And I too will be beautiful, wear heels
Tall, short skirt , I'll be like that your nipple
And I will change , I will change
And let me be hurt, I will smile
You will understand me, because you also love
2 grams before the performance in his fool
And let me better, but it is more expensive
Love and be loved with different people is not difficult
Do you like drugs , I will love her too
Do you love sex without commitment , unless so you can
I stop loving tekbya as & quot; love ! & Quot; hear
We 'll never be together , I jump off the roof
And what do you to stop
Hard to be myself , I do not have the strength
And again on his lips I draw quiet weeping
And every time the same : & quot; quiet , do not cry ! & Quot;
And I'm not perfect, your caresses are tender
Pure before God, merely a mad
I will not be what I would like to see
I loved ... you learn to hate
I thought about one lomanli my soul
I spoke to you, and you did not listen , did not listen
And I was different when she was near
Someone else for himself, and because it was not necessary
And it would not be so important
If forgave me quickly
4, 3 were in fact always loved numbers
And I found one who says in his tracks as I think
I believe in fate and I believe that we are bound destinies
As I pointed out last sms your choice
Suck it up , I went to the world
You're just having fun, not understood by stupidity
Now shut your heart
Let no one be let shit ...
And I got your kicks
Kaif with me dear
After all, we are so it will be easier to perform garbage
Roads are no substitute for coke happiness
Aging felt that I was standing on the edge
And I 'll sing , but you do not think about it
Whatever I was , I should not be changed
All express a buzz
The clubs on performances
Othodnyak mornings seem flowers
Bit and see through the points
You do not want to be a bitch
Thank you for everything we say former brother
Your eyes are burning
Go away , die poskuda
All these thoughts were invested in the hut
Alinka knew everything and let all be dumb
He said he wanted to show it
And you hike in the 15 years he was the most intelligent
And she is not , as you are, I believed fucking
Even if the veins are dirty, but the soul is pure
While I love the whole world and give good
People who are close to those who are clean
Those who will not let me huynёy Scribbles sheets ...