I had a cold neprivetami
Rumble fish in water besprosvetitse
Dedicate thoughts lead Lethe .
Hey , the river , when we meet with you ?
Maybe tomorrow overcast throw myself at you ?
Or your water taste like fun ?
If you want, I'll find a miraculous edge
In which there is no life of a hangover?
Well , tell me , since I find, ocharueshsya me?
You are tricky to take people at their peak .
Here he was , and now under the ground moist,
Buried with the general mourning countenance .
Tale entertains us infinity lie.
Eat it for lunch and dinner , but it expired.
In the summer a lot of & quot; eternal & quot; you will find ,
Lots of genius worn .
But worse than oblivion in the present.
Worse than in a pool to sit and see it as the sea.
Terrible sinking, being able to swim like a dog .
Terrible at life send soul to the crematorium .
Motley life , charge the gun ,
Rather play Russian roulette .
Dining family , happiness, money , careers
Trade the pain from the bullet of art.
Yes, filthy , yes, izlomlennogo and down,
But forgive us , Pushkin , Lermontov, Yesenin ...
Our generation is someone just did not save .
Who? Great-grandparents , we dissemble global fun ?
I do not know . But the mechanism of the destruction started.
Someday we all canoe at the very oblivion.
But the river , I 'm not afraid , and I released a peccadillo ,
Therefore behold my sunsets and sunrises .
03/24/14 .
Hypomanie - Herfst