For your own good, paper is written, And in it there is a categorical prohibition. They called you to order, taught you in order All - Moses, Christ and Mohammed. Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother! Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother! "Without bibles and Korans, I only eat rams," the Leader said, pinching his mustache. "According to my charter - no fat", - the Georgian generalissimo was puzzled. Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother! Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother! Why, pray tell, did she take and ponder with America and NATO? Ugh on them! Ugh! And immediately became proud. Why, pray tell? So Bolivar will not stand two. *** Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother! Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother! Come on, gop-stop, fat! She doesn't listen, she doesn't have enough grief! Gop-stop, fat! She eats everything, she only became more beautiful. Gop-stop, fat! Oh, dear Ukraine, my mother!