Chorus. (And so well known to all the test)
Verse 1:
Admission, reception, 24 to 7,
Clubs, concert halls await news from me.
BOOW, dance elbows, BOOW, dance elbows,
All produced today out of their animals.
And if tomorrow Armageddon suddenly,
today will be the hottest night.
Kachnёm to complete and will be with us, the most depraved,
someone exemplary daughter.
Well, yes, I crazzy matherfuckin cat Kotovskij
and soon I will be in your town, so get ready.
As the rider Bombay swing today throughout tusoy.
You do not dance, no, it's because you're sad.
BOOW, BOOW, elbows cut air,
BOOW, BOOW, today everything is possible,
BOOW, your hand count my trophy.
All who are in the room right now, there is dancing the dance elbows.
Verse 2:
Move to the beat of your elbows, music best drug,
Loew shaman conjures, elbows at the start and just do it.
BOOW, all kachdontstap, BOOW, all kachdontstap,
stop and turn again, elbows on the start.
Cat's time on the road doing business,
microphone and your elbows will be fire.
It's my greetings and my salute once every city,
once all the cities, right across the city.
Intilegenty, athletes, nerds and geeks,
snapback'i, tattoos, shoes and Timbo,
all mingled in the crowd of the cries and rhythms.
Hangover nothing, children's games,
BOOW, BOOW, elbows cut air,
BOOW, BOOW, today everything is possible,
BOOW, your hand count my trophy.
All who are in the room right now, there is dancing the dance elbows.