When you're in the car, with the money. Friends are shaking you in your arms ...
When you're in a car, with money, Friends shake you in your arms. When you buy them wine, They laugh with you at the same time ...
You make presents, you are in a hurry, You worry and you value friendship. You come, you help them in trouble ... You cry ...
Where are your friends today? When not by car, but in debt ... When not above the ground, but at the feet, You take a closer look, who is next to you,
Here is a friend donated by fate. And those who laughed in unison, And spent a million with you, Today will also laugh, With your enemy, you also discuss ...
Joy is always full of friends, But at that moment, when the soul is dark, Of the ten left one, Who is next to no good reasons,
But because the soul lives in it, Who will understand you without words. And the rest of them, because their soul ... Unfortunately, it’s not worth a penny.
Do not waste yourself at all, but look, In whom the sun is not outside, but inside. Remember - there are no hundred friends, But there is one who these hundred more truly and #;