Wild steppes , cold Yar ,
Nintendo Lіsom , Great Lugh
Ends of the earth day bozhim plow
According to the most nich .
W toї nochi stezhina v'єtsya ,
Svіtom batters in tears tuzі
In neospіvany Marvellous edge
Zeleny Guy de standing .
In tіm Zelenіm in tіm Chemnіm Guy
De tіlo s soul b'єtsya ,
De slіpy lіrnik smієtsya
In svoїm dovgіm snі ,
In tіm Veselіm in tіm Schedrіm Guy
Prividitsya nich i blukaє day ,
Pozirayuchi on the tattoo ,
Scho vzhe tіm went to the edge.
Hto vіn Yea , Auteuil prividitsya s Guy ?
Chi posіє vіn sum i Tugu ,
Chi is vsmіhneny Cossack s Meadow
Until Mami vertaє ?
Yak hto Hoca , those minutes chekaє ,
Scho nadibaє those i Got .
Nadіyu Chi , chi his death ,
Docks prividitsya everything tіm edge
ґulya Guy in ...
Vreshtі edge of Vіrny Sin
Taking , Well gonorove vіn ,
Vvіgnav naboї in krіsa .
Tantsyuvala hopak Mount Fox ,
W her vihilyavsya Pauline .
Ale w ni prividitsya to whom nіts not Got ,
Simply himself in tіm Guy gulyaє ,
Docks sontse svіtom vigraє ,
Gulyaє !
In Zelenіm Guy nich
Rahuє Quantity dnіv .
In bayratsі nightingale
Relive i zarevіv .
Schos s sky has fallen in rіv ,
First she fell asleep.
That sky berries,
W are virostut Dubi ,
W dubіv zletyat fruit,
W pіdut yolopi them ,
To the edge of OAO All stink
Vіrnії Sini .