To my friends I am a zigan. In response, they will also begin
to zig. My xenophobic dream.
My bro - Hitler, tickles the mustache of the girls - Hitler. Knows Mine Kampf by heart
Hitler, Hitler. My bro is Hitler, hates
Matsu - Hitler. 14/88 - Hitler.
From the heart to the sun - Sieg Heil Hitler-Hitler.
Who wants to know what's right over there is Hitler.
Who drives forward on his cool Mercedes is Hitler.
He went into the store in his underpants - he captured the store - Hitler.
Every woman in the world will be forced to be with him - Hitler.
My bro - Hitler, tickles the mustache of the girls - Hitler. Knows Mine Kampf by heart
- Hitler. Every day arm up
- Hitler, Hitler. My bro is Hitler, hates
Matsu - Hitler. 14/88 - Hitler. From the heart to the sun, zig heil. Hitler-Hitler.
On the streets they know, he does not run from the crowd of scumbags.
From thugs he rides on a tank in which the driver
- Jewish teenager. Under the nose, a maximum of 3 centimeters
hair steeper than your hairstyles. He loves autumn, ziganet, kol
ask near 14/88. For him, life is not a joke,
let the enemies smoke the pipe. Hitler will calmly climb
today your mom under the skirt
Where? On the banks of the river. What? Romance, candles,
The chick is Jewish, then let him suck, and then climb
to Hitler in the stove. My bro - Hitler, tickles the mustache of the girls - Hitler.
Knows Mein Kampf by heart - Hitler.
Every day, a hand up - Hitler, Hitler.
My bro is Hitler, he hates matzo - Hitler.
14/88 - Hitler. From the heart to the sun, zig heil. Hitler Hitler