Children's kindergarten like a bee swarm ...
(Sl. and music. An unknown author)
Kindergarten, like bee swarm,
There kids run Gorn.
They play and sing,
In the alans of the garden run.
At the fountain, where Bolshoy chestnut,
Siegyglase Lyoshka-maluggan,
Before the Lena-girl is worth
Whispelly says something:
"Lena, Lena grow big,
You will be Lena, you are my wife,
I will, Lena, I love you,
Chocolates every day to give. "
Years rushing like a hurricane,
Became a student Lyoshka-boygan,
Well, Lena is eighteen years old
Bloomed like a pink bouquet.
Chestnut met again,
The former love broke out.
"Do you love me, Lena, or not?"
Quietly - "Yes" - heard in response.
Dull-dim light bulbs are burning,
Old men sit on a bench,
"Remember, Lena, was it for five years?
You are now - the old woman, and I - grandfather. "