I am the goddess of disco , disco goddess , I , I'm the navel of the universe , I'm in the middle of schyas vnimaniya.Vo I finally izyana no , I'm all in hekabana daughter , today I have a real trend , and Tamu , I is not really dance , dancing is not really really really dance is not really really really not so many cool Mister realno.Vokrug in me so much vodka and retbula dancing I do not see any reasons, I , I , I , I would with someone tusnula , with someone tusnula , tusnula , fell asleep , tusnula , I would have fallen asleep with someone asleep VOOO . Odd to me not who does not suit you, not odd to me who do not fit , schya drink and go up to her , Cho Cho Cho Cho Cho Cho odd to me does not fit. Everything I drank when I get there on some one comes up to me , all I drank when I get there oh Cho goof comes up to me , I drank when I get there Th for goof , I come , Th for the goof , I drank , for Che , drank , goof , podhozhuuuuuu , yes there is more to drink . Apparently he needs sex . I wonder what's her name ? Interestingly he's rich ? Interestingly it alone ? Oh schya will meet, probably not one, but he's such a cho not brave? all come chmoshnik collecting . Come loshara znakomsyayayaya . Perhaps she muzhom . Trot , crab , mouse, zysch . Oh another flown ! Trot , chalk, crab , mouse, zyz , ligature, zur , haze , lynx, shta that , wings, wings , wings , nothing I smoked ! I am the goddess of disco. May be able to ? Lynx, zys . Need a drink. Shta , kto.Boginya ! Can ? Pec . Goddess diskoteki.Nado vypit.Pokuril.Nado vypit.Pokuril.Naletay.VOO . WOW what guys , maybe it was her husband , I wonder they are together ? Odd, is not toward me who do not fit . I diskoteki.Ya goddess goddess goddess diskoteki.Ya diskoteki.Ya moved to the diskoteke.Spat , subside , subside , to sleep , I'm a goddess disco sleep sleep spat.Perebral on diskoteke.spat ...