to blame , you're tired ,
I did not find what was waiting for
All lost , so that looking for
Rose into the sky and fell.
And whose fault is that day after day
Life goes by a stranger ,
C H7
And your house has become a lonely ,
And empty for your window .
And the light fades , and molknut sounds
C7 A
And looking for new flour hands .
If your pain subsides,
C7 H7 Em Hm Em
So will a new trouble .
Who is to blame , say , brother - one married, another rich,
One ridiculous, another love , a fool , the other - your enemy ?
And whose fault is that here and there, waiting for each other , and so live
But boring day and night empty clogged warm places .
Who is to blame , and what is the secret that no grief and no happiness ,
No victories without a defeat , and is due to luck and misfortune ?
And whose fault is that you are the one and only one life , and so long and so boring,
And you're still waiting for you to die someday ...
And the light fades and the sounds fade away , and new flour looking hands
And if your pain subsides , so will a new disaster ...