Текст песни Молитва - СИМВОЛ ВЕРЫ
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СѶМВОЛЪ ВѢРЫ 1. Вѣ́рую во еди́наго Бо́га Отца̀, Вседержѝтеля, Творца̀ не́бу ѝ землѝ, ви́димымъ же всѣмъ ѝ неви́димымъ. 2. Ѝ во еди́наго Го́спода Іису̀са Христа̀, Сы́на Бо́жія, Единоро̀днаго, И́же отъ Отца̀ рожде́ннаго пре́жде всѣхъ вѣкъ; Свѣ́та отъ Свѣ́та, Бо́га и́стинна отъ Бо́га и́стинна, рождѐнна, несотворѐнна, единосу̀щна Отцу̀, И́мъ же вся бы́ша; 3. Насъ ра́ди человѣ́къ ѝ на́шего ра́ди спасѐнія сше́дшаго съ небѐсъ, ѝ воплоти́вшагося отъ Ду́ха Свя́та ѝ Марı́и Де́вы, ѝ вочеловѣ́чшася; 4. Распя́таго же за ны при Понтı́йстѣмъ Пила̀тѣ, ѝ страда̀вша, ѝ погребѐнна; 5. Ѝ воскре́сшаго въ тре́тій день, по Писа́ніемъ; 6. Ѝ восше́дшаго на небеса̀, ѝ сѣдя̀ща одесну̀ю Отца̀; 7. Ѝ па́ки гряду̀щаго со сла́вою судѝти живы̀м ѝ ме́ртвым, Его̀же Ца́рствію не бу́детъ конца̀. 8. Ѝ въ Ду́ха Свята̀го, Го́спода Животворя̀щаго, И́же отъ Отца̀ исходя̀щаго, И́же со Отцѐмъ ѝ Сы́номъ спокланя̀ема ѝ осла́вима, глаго́лавшаго проро́ки. 9. Во еди́ну, святу̀ю, собо́рную и апо́стольскую Це́рковь. 10. Исповѣ́дую еди́но крещѐніе во оставлѐніе грѣхо̀въ. 11. Ча́ю воскресѐнія ме́ртвыхъ. 12. Ѝ жи́зни бу́дущаго вѣ́ка. Ами́нь. Смотрите также:
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1. I believe in the one God of the Father, the Almighty, the Creator, the heaven of the earth, and the visible of all the invisible.
2. Ѝ in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, the same from the Father of the Nativity of God before all; The Light is from the Light, God is true from God is true, born-born, inconsistent, and one-minded to the Father, and He is all of life;
3. For the sake of the human being, for our sake of salvation, we have come to heaven, ѝ having embodied the Holy Spirit ѝ Mary Virgins, ѝ man of yourselves;
4. But the crucifixion for us at Pontıystѣm Pilѣtѣ, ѝ stradàvsha, ѝ buried;
5. Ѝ Resurrected the third day, according to the Scriptures;
6. Ѝ ascending to heaveǹ, ѝ from sitting near the right of the Father̀;
7. Ѝ The packs of things to come with the holy judgment of the living ѝ dead, His Kingdom will not end.
8. Ѝ in the Holy Spirit, the Lord of the Life-giving, and also from the Father, proceeding, also from the Father ѝ the Son of the worshiping, we are deigned, the words of the prophets.
9. In one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
10. I confess that only baptism is left for the time being.
11. Tea of the Sunday of the Dead.
12. Life of the future. Amen.