Love ... What is love ?? ... surely everything often thought about it ... Emotions ?? ... Well, yes ... .. when you and the person you are insanely good, I want to constantly be close, kiss, hug ... Yes, just be together ....... When he is not with you, you madly miss you, and you begin to miss the first second, call, worry .... In your world, as if it's not enough of something ... .. Don't have it ... .. But this is my person! Thoughts on this occasion .... In general, everyone in the word love invests his meaning ... Everyone loves in its own way .... And lately, very often began to lie about love ... Phrase I love you already lost the point that I had before .... Now right and left only and you hear: I love you .... Although they meet two weeks of the week ... Well, what else can love be there ?? You can't even really know a person .... .. I love you now they say as simple and easy as good morning or hello .... But many do not even think about what I love you, but not putting it in this phrase it makes sense and feelings can be done very pain ... After all, the man who was told these words may be relate to this simple phrase seriously and invests in her a lot of meaning .... and it believes, sincerely, it believes that he believes He loves ..... And when it opens the truth and it becomes clear that he never loved you, and that it is just his words without much sense, said so ... just, just because everyone do ... that's right it becomes insanely hurt and hurt ..... you roaring in a pillow without realizing that you all are trying to forget, you pray to God so that he returned, you say to myself what is bad .......... Interest so painful and insulting somewhere in The soul appears a huge hole, which burns and absorbs you from the inside ... .. And then, after many sleepless nights and liters of sorcered tears, when your created world collapsed .. ... then you still stop love ...... you just cease to trust people ... you no longer want to love and trust ...... .. so turn in the demon Sensual doll ....... I do not argue sooner or later there will be the one who can defams you ... .. But it's so hard to try to trust you again ......... .. I think everyone has his bitter experience ... and everyone will have their own thoughts about This statement ... Someone will agree, and someone will say that all this is nonsense ... You certainly immediately sorry if something is wrong ... .. Just decided to share with you my thoughts, painful ... ..ona I want to say ... Love And be loved)) Regrave every trifles in our life, because she is so short .... Everyone will be mistaken .. And it is precisely the experience from the errors received gives us strength for the next jerk .... He will ask you one ... Do not tell about love .... . Do not say that you love this if you don't feel .... You can once this can happen to you !!!!