"In general, curious ..
Well, for my bastard I was -
That none of the loved ones showed up?
No, I understand - I'm not the most charming
And a pleasant guy in the world ...
But that ... no ... "
There is nothing to help here, and the rain pours all night.
Rain pours all night, rain all night.
There is nothing to help here, and the rain pours all night.
Rain pours all night, rain all night.
I thought here: what kind of person am I?
It seems like there are a lot of loved ones and many, as a native.
It happened and the crowd gave something like an oath.
Where do not throw it - all friends, Koresh, and brothers.
And here, recently, they directly drove from Petrozavodsk,
Through Peter and Moscow, we are a couple with Leshka.
Peter is rich in ketts, a sister even lives there,
But everyone has a business, so much - 12 in the morning.
Okay, what. We are a simple metro
Then from Pulkovo straight to the Airport.
And Moscow is generally a separate story -
There the other ocean and brothers are sea.
This one is busy, he has an exam, he’s for a day to his mother.
I am typing as a souvenir, I click the "challenge".
Grafoman will deliver from the "grandfather" to "Shirka",
There is Edgar and his shoes, we’ll sit with coffee at least.
It rains at home, and you stand and wait for something, at home.
There are friends and adults and youth.
But to be honest, 10 cases out of 10,
From Pashkovka, I’m going home not on xenia, but on a taxi.
And every time I get up at the airport and I think
That I am not ideal, harmful and rude.
But so that it is always home to home.
Damn ... What kind of person am I?
There is nothing to help here, and the rain pours all night.
Rain pours all night, rain all night.
At the entrance I understand that I forgot the keys to the house.
Half of the fifth in the morning, everyone is sleeping, wrecking.
The intercom is broken, the wife of the wife on the soundless.
I’m calling an hour, I’m calling two - I'm already bored.
I start leafing through contacts in the pipe:
This at work, he is married, the third is so -so.
The fourth may raise, well, what if not?
Why experience fate? Water to stir.
Tell me, it's not about me now,
You probably have kents, brothers there, friends.
At six in the morning you will call many, say: "Come",
Just chat. Three, two, one ... do not know?
Fortunately, there is a notebook, pen, shop, lantern.
The rain goes almost soundless, sad, but does not soar.
The more lines on paper, the more thoughts.
The letters seem to roar from moisture drops, and I am from life.
Who should call me so that I would be so blown up?
And, let it get wet to the thread, came, talked.
Sat, sorted everyone with a sleepy head,
I thought about what kind of person I am.
There is nothing to help here, and the rain pours all night.
Rain pours all night, rain all night.
There is nothing to help here, and the rain pours all night.
Rain pours all night, rain all night.