Well , what are you , brother , quieted ?
Resentment flooded chest
Can neither hawala or drink
Bitch do not want to live
Gave her so much good
Tumbled her so much dough
You thought only you and she
And quietly get on the case
How many days lost
Sure, maybe , but not with her
How many lost years
Resentment burns to chest pain stronger
Nothing, patience mesyatsok
I did not know the stories
What is your favorite butterfly soon
In your eyes will turn an ordinary creature
I shove you in a wheelbarrow force
I'll take you to the kid
There bathhouse , fish and beer
Brother, I do not give those die
How many beautiful girls in the world
Sincere , faithful and just
Such is the therapy
Will be even more painful , but you hold on
From that sometimes sad that happens in life
Many unfair things
Someone who wipes his feet about us
Oddly enough, we like damn , and even stronger
You're going to escape and run to her
I 'll tie you tight
How much do you trust her years in vain?
Now , brother , trust Korzh
How many of you acquainted
How much you earn bucks
How you try to women
Asians , mestizo , mulatto
Now you know what to expect from them
Do not get caught in it again paws
You know , in life there are only a mother
Only she'll love you strong and weak
Of course, this bitch crawl , but very quickly
And from the start you will fill in the ears
She natrahatsya enough with his soccer
Now she wants stability , I want to eat
Look , bro , what a sunset
Everything else , my brother , is a trifle
Sanya , line four-thread it into a glass
To not think Che do with herself
I shove you in a wheelbarrow force
I'll take you to the kid
There bathhouse , fish and beer
Brother, I do not give those die
How many beautiful girls in the world
Sincere , faithful and just
Such is the therapy
So that's a tough life