Oh there on the mountain, oh there on the steep, Oh there were a couple of pigeons. (2) They sat, steamed, Sizzle's wings hugged. (2) Where did the shooter, the shooter shoot, and killed and separated a couple of pigeons? The dove does not eat, the dove does not drink, But everything goes on a steep mountain crying. (2) My dove, blue-winged, Why are you so anxious? (2) I have seven pairs of pigeons - Fly, choose. Maybe there is yours? " (2) “I used to go and choose, but there is no such thing as I have lost… (2) Taisiya Povaliy - Oh There On The Mountain Oh there on the mountain, in the silk grass, Oh there were a couple of pigeons. Kissing, kissing, Sizzle wings hugging. Oh, somewhere a hunter-shooter took his place, Dove killed, caught a dove. He brought home, let down, poured wheat and poured water. The dove does not eat, the dove does not drink, But everything on that mountain weeps flying. Oh, I have seven hundred pigeons, Fly, choose, maybe yours. I was already flying, already choosing, There is no such thing as I loved. Although feathers and such, and such a gun, And if it sounds, not the voice.