Tіlki on you, on you Divit,
Tіlki pray, pray Tobi.
Tіlki іti pіlіgrimom from the sky,
In the sky, de svіtishsya ...
Potsіlunok yak dew,
I Vranіshnіy pure light.
I will not forget the words of Ti,
I will not forget the voice of tvіy.
Tee shepotіla nіzhno & quot; & quot ;, miy
five spoke softly & quot; & quot ;. miy
Nashі insertions woven into the wild vognі ..
Tіlki on you, on you Divit,
Tіlki pray, pray Tobi.
Tіlki yti pіlіgrimom from the sky,
In the sky, de svіtishsya minute.
In the sky, de svіtishsya minute.
Nochi korotkі nache Mit,
Tvoє shepotіnnya nache in snі.
Timi nіhto do not sleep at night,
Timi nights of samі.
I will not forget the words of Ti, I will not forget the voice of tvіy.
Tee said softly & quot; tee - tіlki miy & quot ;.
Tіlki on you, on you Divit,
Tіlki pray, pray Tobi.
Tіlki yti pіlіgrimom from the sky,
In the sky, de svіtishsya minute.
In the sky, svіtishsya de ti!
In the sky, svіtishsya de ti! ..
Tіlki on you, on you Divit,
Tіlki pray, pray Tobi.
Tіlki yti pіlіgrimom from the sky,
In the sky, de svіtishsya ...
Tіlki on you, on you Divit,
Tіlki pray, pray Tobi.
Tіlki yti pіlіgrimom from the sky,
In the sky, de svіtishsya minute.