When the shelves in their uniforms stringent
In the iron thunder in gold awards
Solemnly join in the parade ,
Their menacing look capable confuse many .
As well, eclipsing him white light
Float flying cavalry units -
God save us , we even minuy case
To consign to oblivion the vow of fidelity .
Lift a little - and a hoarse cry tube
Slightly vstrepenis - and you're at gunpoint ,
And the hero plays the role of toys,
And certainly not a minion of fortune .
And there - good-bye , the road is far ,
We are in the way you act and mourn ,
And your route on the map denote ,
I hope you are not sunk without trace in the century.
Will pass on foot, where there is no way the tent ,
Where Yenisei - a mighty river .
Siberia for the Russian is too large,
Not to say , capacity in excess.
We have the same everything is decided in turn, have
All the same life , decency and wretched,
All the same mentor , without changing a syllable ,
That is unless the new children 's lying ,
That power is strong , that the sovereign - from God.
Oh, Birdie , whether in pure field
Nestudёnye wind blow ? ..
You are quite naughty in the wild ,
Get used to it is time to order .
Will live without fear and risk
Bars are durable , strong latch ,
And the grain regularly on the list ,
You ranger pours hand .
A caretaker , what a caretaker -
Become embodied beauty !
And his amazing jacket
Pigeons than the heavens themselves .
He will teach you the best songs
And wean fooling around
And even if you are not tormented nights
Longing for the lost will .
So whether voluntarily in the open something light ,
Oh, my Birdie , urchins ?
There throughout all the network so the network
Yes there everywhere catchers catchers .