Hi guys!
Wow, girls!
Come on, do not stand on the sidelines!
We will sing a song for you,
How to go on vacation for rent.
Nastya and Vika were in Bali
They are all in Bali all specifically pulled up,
For 3 days all the money was drunk, -
In our girls were in Bali!
My name is Vika, I can drive into the snout,
I am a mixture of poison, chili and tequila.
If you saw us in Bali,
So you are one of those we pulled up.
I am Anastasia, I love that much,
I love to quickly and very, very long,
Then I like to smoke a cigarette,
Goby in the window - and repeat again.
Come on, let's quickly get together.
Russian and Greek dance together,
Chuvash, Ukrainian, Tajik and Uzbek.
From the ground, try, come off!
Wrap Jackets -
We dance Cirtaki!
According to my passport, I am Olga, and in my life I am a “sprat”,
I was so called for a small mouth.
I went with a guy in Egypt to rest,
I went there by the sea, and he went to plump.
In the evening she went to the disco,
Immediately there were some two Uzbeks
And I was so swallowed up in dance,
What else three together lived half a year.
My name is Rima, although I am not from Rome,
My main advantage is that I don’t like men.
I spent the whole summer in Jamaica
And walked around the city without a shirt.
Nearby wandered tanned rastaman
And carrying a cool suitcase,
Gave me a blow once in his pipe, -
And I have canceled the previous taboos.
Hi, I'm Alain, a bit in love,
I met a boy Anton in Yalta.
Like a young but tough man:
He has stubble, like winter tires.
We hung on his yacht for a month,
Month was annealed, month was buzzing,
And then it suddenly ended in a booze,
And we stomped that summer was over.
And I do not smoke, do not drink alcohol,
I do not smell dope, I do not smoke hookah,
On the sea with other men not sleeping,
My name is Ira, I love the Chinese.