The two of you, we do not pour water
We have two different paths and fates
And you're just a student , and I'm just a kid
And envy us so easy friends
But somehow it turned out that I began to notice
That the girl of my , you started coming
You call her at home , when I was not around ,
Tell me yes or no, and give me your answer
Well, where have you found a new toy student
Never thought not years , and the girl stole my
Well you are a student I did not understand you
Walk, student, walk, and do not touch my girl
And what am I to do , you go on the heels
And love is already selling my friends
And you think that I do not know nothing
You become a toy for him forever
Last time I ask , think well
So much the better for you and your friend
After all, he is an ordinary student, and wants to walk
And the other I do not want to lose
Well, where have you found a new toy student
Never thought not years , and the girl stole my
Well you are a student I did not understand you
Walk, student, walk, and do not touch my girl
Well I'm a student , do not know
Why are you hiding from me my devchonochka
So what are you a student I did not understand you
Walk, student walk, but do not touch my girl