Hold me tight , Mom, I'm drunk today ,
His unearthly words drank to the dregs.
Hold me in silence, Mom, I'm so much ill
From the mere sight of him running away ...
In fog, mist , fog around ...
Thought about it all , only about him , all about him .
Like it, like me ,
Like , like so
Like I'm crazy .
Mom, it at least 40 degrees ,
I squeezed to the maximum ,
Him drunk today .
Unable to relax
Love, love me ,
It is impossible to relax,
Love, love me .
Hold me tight , hear , and I 'll go crazy.
From the mere sight of him running away ...
In fog, mist , fog around ...
Thought about it all , only about him , all about him .
Like it, like me ,
Like , like so
Like I'm crazy .
Mom, it at least 40 degrees ,
I squeezed to the maximum ,
Him drunk today .
Unable to relax
Love, love me ,
It is impossible to relax,
Love, love me