I myself
I myself blinded himself from the bones and skin to do the test ,
but not finding a place , starting steps since childhood.
top -top , the words right in the forehead , and it would be better to God's ears ,
but at least you click on the play , and hear .
Verse 1:
would be handsome , in this herd, stately ,
but behind Nitsche , leave the old woman I'm sad ,
I desperately realized that it was not by accident
and that is not in vain in school reading , I was taught .
everything that happens to the best , definitely.
was a little boy , before, now I am full of punches
and everyone who is against rushing, I see from the given
I'm in the art as given , and in the battle the Taliban .
and you vlib , standing in my way , get away
and then wait, you cry over the crows and rain.
I myself blinded himself to say thank you to myself ,
Now , Serge shteps in , and you on the lip .
I can and on the telly , and you 'll get dui ,
I white-faced , but in my heart black trubodur .
one can not help you , if you are an atheist himself ,
and if you are willing to sell his soul for his wallet.
Verse 2:
all their skeletons hide in a huge zagazhnik ,
if not immediately vmestyatsya , do it twice.
Well you're brave , lad , well, where to go ,
give me defecate , but when I was 20 .
but right now for two goose , you missed a bit,
and now anyway, I will show you the way.
tea in the evening , or coffee before going to bed ,
and here Serge wrote his first solo rap album .
Do not be stupid forehead , put these tracks in tachilu ,
they swung , say , tested the world.
if you knew how much I killed time
that would create this rap premium .
yes I am my own mind , and you're on a mustache Motel
if you're cooler than me , I'm Bruce Willis .
vryatli but I glitters chump like a nut
so pomolkivay if not a sin to be silent .
I myself blinded himself by making the dough ,
but not finding a place , starting steps since childhood.
top -top , the words right in the forehead , and it would be better to God's ears ,
Well, at least you click on the play , and hear .