Where are the children
Where are the children ? -
They are taken out of fear ,
That , somehow, at dawn
Stick to the body of the shirt ,
And no one will be a little water
In a glass lodge drink.
Where are the children ? -
Of stupidity there , ignorance ,
Of false moral network
Hypocrisy of education,
What ever sneaks cat
Black as tar spoon .
Where are the children ? -
From ancient as the world hopes
For the future, immortality ,
Only in a dress -
Everything seems to be: their eyes
More 'll see ourselves.
Where are the children ? -
Of burning curiosity ,
Spite almighty gossip
Jesuitry laws ,
From hell , who famously
In slough haunting quiet .
Where are the children ? -
Of an unquenchable thirst
Which , like the wind ,
Comes to you one day -
Somebody share
What is stored in the shower .
Where are the children ? -
Just out of loneliness,
Stitches in his Testament ,
HER Majesty boredom :
In rags whether , in the crown -
It forever on the throne.
Where are the children ? -
Whether out of pride , stubbornness ,
Thought that you - in response,
Jealousy or drunkenness ,
For easy care -
Him to hide someone.
Where are the children ? -
A foretaste of the power,
Method against death ,
Whether accidental fire of passion,
Whether out of greed , as a reward ,
And because it's necessary .
(C) ergey Palamar , 1994