Let's never, never part!
- With whom?
- With the river, with the forest, with each other.
“I agree,” said Little Bear.
“And I,” said Piglet.
- Let's all-all always be together! - almost shouted the Hedgehog.
And then the Hare jumped out.
- And I? - he asked. - I'm with you!
“Of course,” said Little Bear. - We are all together.
- How amazing! Whispered Piglet. And cried.
- Why are you crying?
“I've never been so well.”
- Because spring! Said the Hare.
“Because the river is blue,” said the Hedgehog.
“And the forest is in green smoke,” said Little Bear.
- Ah, how I love green smoke! - sobbing, said Piglet. - Bitter, light as smoke from a fire.
“It's blue from the fire,” said the Hare.
“And white,” said the Hedgehog.
“And if you drop the tree, the black one will fall,” said the Little Bear. - No, spring green smoke on the trees is another.
“Still bitter,” said Piglet. - And blue at dusk.
“At dusk, yes,” said the Hedgehog. - I agree.
- And the cuckoo. Cocks and seems round, blue ...
- How how?
“The blue ones are such cuckoo,” said Piglet, “floating over the forest.”
- The blue cuckoo. Wow! - said the Little Bear.
- Blue “cuckoo”, like clouds, said the Hedgehog, “they are floating, they are swimming ...”
“And we think so,” said the Hare. - Sometimes there are not enough pads on the paws ...
“Claws,” Teddy Bear corrected.
“Hoofs,” said Piglet.
- And sometimes - “cuckoo,” and that’s it.
“And you wait,” said the Hedgehog. - You sit and wait.
- Suddenly he’ll have a bite! All of a sudden! - squealed Hare. “Well, what are you?” - whisper. “Well, what are you?” And suddenly - “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! .. "- swim!
“Like clouds,” said Little Bear.
© Sergey Kozlov