Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a chicken. The cockerel rummaged and dug a bean.
- Ko-ko-ko, chicken, eat a bean seed!
- Ko-ko-ko, cockerel, eat yourself!
A cockerel ate a grain and choked. He called the chicken:
- Go, chicken, to the river, ask the voditsa to get drunk. The chicken ran to the river:
- A river, a river, give me some water: the cockerel choked on a bean seed! The river says:
- Go to sticky, ask for a leaf, then I will give voditsy.
The chicken ran to sticky:
- Sticky, sticky, give me a piece! I’ll take the leaf to the river - the river will give the cockerel a drink of water: the cockerel chokes on a bean seed.
Sticky says:
- Go to the girl, ask for a thread. The chicken ran:
- Girl, girl, give a thread! I’ll take the thread to sticky - sticky will give a leaf, I will take a leaf to a small river - the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
The girl replies:
- Go to the combers, ask for a comb, then I'll give a thread.
The chicken ran to the combers:
- Combers, combers, give me a comb! I’ll take the comb to the girl - the girl will give the thread, I will take the thread to the sticky - the sticky will give the leaf, I will take the leaf to the river - the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
Combs say:
- Go to the Kalashnikov, let them give us Kalachnikov. The chicken ran to the Kalashnikov:
- Kalashniki, Kalashniki, give Kalachniki! I will take the kalachi to the combers - the combers will give the comb, I will take the comb to the girl - the girl will give the thread, I will take the thread to sticky - I will give the sticky leaf, I will take the leaf to the river - the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
Kalashniki say:
- Go to the lumberjacks, let us give us firewood. The chicken went to the woodcutters:
- Lumberjacks, lumberjacks, give firewood! I’ll take the firewood to the Kalashniki — the Kalashniki will give the Kalachniks, the Kalashniki to give the combers — the combers will give the comb, I will take the comb to the girl — the girl will give the thread, the thread I will take the sticky tape — the sticky tape will give the leaf, the leaf I will take the river — the river will let the cockerel drink water: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
The lumberjacks gave the chicken firewood.
The chicken brought firewood to the Kalashnikov - the Kalashniki gave it to the Kalachniks, the Kalachniki gave it to the combers - the combers gave her a comb, brought the comb to the girl - the girl gave her a thread, she took the thread to sticky tape - she gave the leaflet, took the leaf to the river - the river gave voditsa.
The cockerel got drunk, and a grain slipped through.
Sung cockerel:
- Ku-ka-re-kuu!