Black likes to live beautifully , drinking hot chocolate,
Coca- cola, whiskey, beer , milk and lemonade.
He lives in a large bungalow in the Bahamas .
Sea, girl , coral, black-and- white Cadillac ...
White vice versa does not like vodka
Drink in a big bungalow
Because he's a fireman , all rescues
From the great disaster , fire.
Soot , smoke, dirt, noise , pieces of cement -
He is a hero at all times .
But when we are together -
It's hard to stand still .
Our hearts - a hydraulic turbine ,
Our bodies - a turbomachine
Our eyes - it flashes and explosions,
Our words - it tehnomotivy .
Biotok included in every home -
Slava Black , Roma White .
Together with you at night or during the day -
Slava Black , Roma White .
Black goes abroad for his big cars ,
Visiting Monte Carlo , Amsterdam and Mexico City ,
Play golf with the president, with the queen drinking wine ,
And in his spare moments watching stereoscopic .
White board rakes ,
In flames , people save ,
Everything sparkles , all smoke -
Like dynamite exploded .
Fumes , smoke, dust , darkness ,
Everything is on fire, big mess,
But when we are near -
We command parade.
Chorus .