Black and yellow banner proudly stinks, against the background of Siberian landscapes,
Yobla in vigorous workers, sweat and skinny, sober and soot,
Carefully go, quietly breathing, filtering thoughts and speeches,
Hello, you will die here, scum in Califat named Sechin.
Bitch arrived, wear a barge, stretch the oil equipment belt,
Masturbating in dry, erasing pussy economy of the oil executor,
In Rosneft citadel, on all, cotton gossip, branch of this hell,
Black Zlatte is satisfied the course of the ruble, on the joy of stupid cremeevat.
Infinite field, barbed wire, oil resistant instead of trees,
Slaves on chains are swinging oil here, from their birth
Oil devils are mashed and branded cotton workers,
Further slaves are sent to Shizo, planting on the bottle of the night.
You got into the citadel, rage and anger, Khrushchev instead of the Gulag,
Work, get oil for lunch, your passport for sorting paper,
In the gasoline solution, infants bathe in copper buckets,
You are here only a slave, not the words of the slave, prison for the Slavic Indians.
Defend of Oil Capture of Hell, Lord Raw Mature Citadel,
Every day, deflores juvenile girls in his oil bed.
For breakfast, he eats babies of slaves, together with their bones,
Parents of eaten cuts eyes, winding them with chains.
Only Latin knows from speech, something Satan and Prosecutor General,
He is a totality of dough and pride, corruption of lies and shame.
He is a lord of monopolies, earthen black blood, be afraid, run and hide,
Live and die in flour hills, happiness in oil, happiness.
Do not try to escape, it is a prison, strict regime with verturable,
Here is an excessive word and 282 for a lifetime breaks consciousness.
Download the oil, Masha Tricolor, rejoicing new annexes,
The more land, the greater the depths, the greater the raw material erection.
The main drug, the Great Double-headed - Black Jig in Vienna is injected,
Every life in great and fucking, along with oil will be spent,
This is a Yeban cult, a quarter of a century, treated on someone else's pain and death,
Umci, belly on Earth with a flagpole with a glasses from his beloved Rosneft.