The path is shaky
Between Charybdis and Scylla,
Today the guys are hooked
Today they have more fun with a wet one,
Than with a ball on a sports ground.
Oh yes, the sword of Damocles,
It will break down, just a chuyka,
Oh yes Slavushka, yes Herostratus,
And our country darns its pants
And godlessly wanders.
Looking for everything
Where would be more comfortable to settle down,
And take your soul away from battles,
I'll buy a beer today
Because for the book to me,
This money, in principle,
And the girls are smeared
Okay, if only with felt-tip pens,
We have not seen the primer, nor the psalter,
On shows, or on auditions,
Now dressed up western
And in a western way
Are empty.
Tie, tie tight, Gordian knot
Why, mother, are you dumb?
To us, to laugh from the belly in childhood,
Didn't have to accept.
And guys, everywhere, yes with a soul, - a dime a dozen,
Here is a penny in a piggy bank, here is an ice cream in a bag,
You will be engineers and pilots
You will invent and build.
But it turned out that if one,
Let it not be bummer to harness,
Without connections and experience,
Even with honors,
Fuck you, not work.
I will be hammered in, I feel, in tears, but into a corner,
Children clap their eyes, and on them targets,
Now you don't need to memorize, - google,
No need to read - everything is in the abbreviation.
Why did kitten Woof become worse than Tom and Jerry?
Since when is Long Island prettier
Than in our gardens?
And you are still eating and fattening,
In poppies eat and grow fat
And gay parades scurry
Here and there.
Here they are, the gifts of the Danaans,
For small and large;
And you're already pulling your fingers
And brother brother is ready to strangle
For a green piece of paper
Or a digital toy;
You break and tear down,
You kill and betray.
And I feel in the back of my head, to be in trouble.
On my Slavic land
I increasingly meet people
And less and less