On your lips I will leave a trace
Only instead of & quot; Yes & quot; I say & quot; No & quot ;.
Just realized that something here is not
You gave yourself not 100,
Not 100.
He said that:
Nedolyubili, under-under-seduced,
Nedosogrel, under-under-tempted.
Unproven, under-under-convinced.
Nedolyubili, under-under-hugging.
Nedobudil, under-under-charmed.
You got me under-bewitched.
On my & quot; Yes & quot; you gleaning!
I look into your eyes, see your motive.
Only instead of & quot; for & quot; my & quot; against & quot ;.
Hug, as if for the first time.
Make my move, I say - pass.
I say - pass.
Nedolyubili, under-under-seduced.
Nedosogrel, under-under-tempted.
Unproven, under-under-convinced.
Nedolyubili, under-under-hugging.
Nedobudil, under-under-charmed.
You got me under-bewitched,
On my & quot; Yes & quot; you gleaning!
I almost had your.
Next to go was not able to.
Nedolyubili, nedoigral.
On my & quot; Yes & quot; you gleaning!
Nedolyubili, under-under-seduced,
Nedosogrel, under-under-tempted.
Unproven, under-under-convinced.
Nedolyubili, under-under-hugging.
Nedobudil, under-under-charmed.
You got me under-bewitched.
On my & quot; Yes & quot; you gleaning! (2)