And reproached Mariam and Aaron Moses for his wife the Efioplay, which he took, - for he took the Efi-Watch, -
And they said: Lord said to Moses alone? Did he say to us? And he heard this Lord.
Moses was the man's cruthest of all people on earth.
And the Lord said suddenly Moses and Aaron and Mariami: Go to the three to the tabernacle of the meeting. And all three came out.
And the Lord descended in the cloud pillar, and became at the entrance of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Mariam, and they came out both.
And said: Listen to my words: If you have the Prophet of the Lord, then I reveal to him in the vision, in a dream talking to him;
But not so with the slave my Moses, - he is faithful in all of the house:
I tell the mouths to the mouths with him, and clearly, and not in fortune telling, and the image of the Lord he sees; How were you not afraid to reproach my slave, Moses?
And the wrath of the Lord is inflamed of them, and he moved away.
And the cloud moved away from the tabernacle, and now, Mariam was covered with a leprosy like snow. Aaron glanced at Mariam, and now she is in leprosy.
And Aaron said Moses: My Mr.! Do not put us in sin that we entered stupid and sinned;
Not to do it, so that she was like a stillborn baby, who, when he comes out of his mother's womb, has thinned half the body.
And Moses crushed to the Lord, saying: God, healed her!
And the Lord said to Moses: if his father spilled her in his face, should she have to be ashamed of seven days? So, let it be in conclusion seven days outside the mill, and after again returns.
And I stayed Mariam in conclusion out of the past seven days, and the people did not go on the road, did not return Mariam.