It was one night, outside the village outskirts,
Nastasya left the house, in which her mother gave birth,
Evil winds flew in, a door opened in heaven,
And an unfamiliar gentleman descended on three eagles.
He shines all over, like the Firebird, steam swirling from his nostrils,
Either Atman, or Brahman, or full avatar
He said - "We in Nirvana are sensitive to your fate,
So that you no longer suffer, I will marry you. "
All nature shuddered, stars strew down in a hail,
Parted in a sea of water, rainbows lit in the sky.
Eight arms hugged her, the third eye sparkled with fire,
She only managed to shout “mother”, and she was taken to heaven alive.
Three years have passed since then, the collective farm pond became holy
Pilgrims go to him, and lotuses bloom in him.
Vishna and Krishna go to the field, the climate is mild, the air is clean,
And since then, every third in our village is a Hindu.