We are not ashamed of the game in front of Europe.
Not fate, but the judge turned to us booty.
Sell a whistle - buy glasses,
Kill against the wall and no longer judge!
England did not win, we did not lose!
We played with honor, beautifully and proudly!
Everyone saw the goal, but the judge, bitch, no.
Read what the internet writes about you:
How our Cossacks played yesterday
The British were crushed, they retreated.
A set of tactics, placement, all things -
My neighbor almost gave birth from unrest!
Yarmolenko pulled a yoke, Gusev in one gut!
Konoplyanka’s surname has everything in a bunch!
Pyatov backed away, but did not give up!
In general, to be honest, the match started well!
But the goal is not counted. Judge on the soap!
A strange disease blinded him.
You are a typical representative of the gay parade.
Open your eyes! Points nnnada?
Throws up his hands, saying "nothing like that,
I saw nothing, in general there was no goal "
Smooth and muzzle bricks with brick
Not far from a heart attack! this is a bummer!
The ball is round, the field, it seems, is also not crooked!
Football is played not with the feet, but with the head.
Garmash loaded his gun tight
"Come on, I will treat my English friend"
But then Rooney jumped out like a hell out of a snuffbox ...
Well, I asked you not to let him out of the cage!
Two ricochets, a header -
all clutched at the heart, I myself was barely alive.
Missed - it does not matter! Let's go on the attack!
There is no time to whine, wail and cry.
Stadium like a volcano: yellow-blue lava
Ashes of attacks of the English covered.
Milevsky by, Devic bang!
It's a goal, but Judah with a whistle in his mouth
This is a gang of bandits. Uuuh how angry I am!
Five tragladites missed a goal!
I will remember your Hungarian mother for a long time.
I want to lose you one hundred kilograms.
In general, we are kind people, but you are a corporate bastard!
Horns on your forehead and count in your ass!
Blokhin as Zeus tore and metal.
“Judge Tridvaras,” I read lips.
Five judges, ten eyes, but nothing good!
Platini lowered his eyes to the floor ...