Tse simply tigarki, th nebagato Skoda in them
Lyuba, zrozumіy, less zmuchuushi ti qi
Tse just a cigar;
Tse bulo long ago, shchob zdavatisya cool
Tse simply tsigarki, legenі zіpsuyut tobі
Well there is a chance, nebagato, more than a week
Tse just tigarki, and bude more ten
Mily, if I go, then I will stop,
Tse simply tigarki, simply Marlboro easy
Hi so, ale mi svarimos zavzhdi
Tse simply tigarki, menі Dala їх Dzhemі Li
Oh, I lyapas ї y ladies, and tobi azh tsihl three.
Tse simply tigarki and bulo once
(This is just a fat cigar, and there will be more than ten).
On the whole week, the identity is not a great chance
(You can capture, b є a small chance)
Tse just tsigarki і meni for tse Skoda
(This is a tsigarki і tobi boda Skoda)
Mily, vip, yak I bump off, then I pinch me.