You want to know who I am ? Look here ,
Can I help many of whom came to trouble
And when you hear my words, the cut in the text ,
You will understand that the world as it is,
You're going to be happy and to live
Then you will find the one who can love ,
You will not be alone, you have friends ,
Listen to me , your friend is I !!
If you have a problem, ask for help,
Each of us has enough power to help .
Many wonder voprosm Why live ?
Many do not realize that you need to make friends, love ,
Many people dream and live in the clouds
Others have achieved their goals , not only in my dreams .
If you are, if you're different ,
Then come join and keep trying to fight ,
Destiny does not exist you know it ,
Choose your way myself, do not forget.
Say no to drugs , alcohol, no,
Not zahlomlyay their lekie smoke cigarettes
All this is not necessary, mark my words ,
All this makes you worse and worse ,
But if you already smoke or drink,
Then raise your hands to the sun and enter into the cool rain .
But only if you want it , and that nowhere Submitting all your dreams .
Tell your problems , thoughts rasskryl
And fly in the clouds , but in a figurative sense ,
Not with drugs, but with the help of dreams,
Imagine how you collect the flowers in the meadow ,
The birds and the wind rustling around ,
That's all you can turn to the beat
Cycle of nature, which breaks out ,
You have to understand what you need,
But if you do not need to do anything ,
I'm sorry and goodbye , understand debt Making his , Yo !!