Black train - Once, two; Children and widow cry.
Black train - three, four; You will not hide in the apartment.
Black train five, six; Just so do not sit in it.
Seven and eight are not sad. Nine, ten - God will forgive.
It's like a network of army or to court.
You can hide, but still find.
Black label on palm phlibistra.
Or the last stage, testing faith.
The paths are laid in all continents of the Earth.
Where, neither fly airplanes, nor go ships.
Light beam cuts the darkness of darkness,
Leaving behind - pain, tears and flowers.
At this train you will not find the stop-crane.
And all that gathered in a low suitcase -
Distribute close to the train station; And those who waited.
They will remember you sometimes.
And here the boilers have laid out, the composition was moved.
For a few seconds, your life is fragile.
You suddenly labored in a crowded car.
About those who still did not see on the platform.
Black train - Once, two; Children and widow cry.
Black train - three, four; You will not hide in the apartment.
Black train five, six; Just so do not sit in it.
Seven and eight are not sad. Nine, ten - God will forgive.
There are enough tickets for everyone, the reservation does not cancel.
When your flight, will say: cancer, stroke, meningitis.
The conductor will check the dates, distribute the bed.
Rubah with plaster pushing to the chest heat boiler room.
Through the skeletons birches flashed.
On the broken glass barefoot kids small small.
And in the window opposite - May, apple tree blooms.
Maiden with braid wheat, milk and honey.
Korean and wheeze in Tambour drink "three axes".
Patulate Skinny Occory with them Rock until the morning.
Tango dancer with Voroshilovsky shooter.
I, like a countryman, is called in a compartment, on buns with boiling water.
And in my car, our all: Grandma Grandpa.
Fuck: Rostik, Mija and Serega-bullet.
And everything is on kipish the caviar, like a sturgeon.
Whom of us will meet Fisherman Peter.
[Pale and ant]
Black train - Once, two; Children and widow cry.
Black train - three, four; You will not hide in the apartment.
Black train five, six; Just so do not sit in it.
Seven and eight are not sad. Nine, ten - God will forgive.