4. Lifting Kundalini
Osho speaks of Kundalini as an energy that rises from the founding of your body, passes along the spine and goes in the area of the pattern of the body.
The movement of this energy in our body is hampered by muscle clips, which are constantly in the body. These muscle clips are formed when a person is experiencing fear or when it gives force to negative thoughts like: "I will not succeed in me, it is unrealistic, everything is bad, everything is bored, no one loves me." Therefore, one of the objectives of the AUM meditation is free from all kinds of blocks - muscle, emotional, mental. Only in a relaxed body you can feel the movement of energy. And at this stage you will help your kundalini move up using shaking.
Keep your eyes closed. Just let your body shake, feel this vibration from the inside and let the shaking take the whole body. Shake consciously, do not go into thought if you are aware of what you think about something at the time of shaking, it means that you are not all the power, you do not use all your total totality, all 100%.
Remember that water boils only at 100 degrees, not at 99!
The same principle works here. Start shaking gradually and then more and stronger and stronger, let all muscle groups, especially the neck, shoulder belt, pelvis, legs will be involved. Shake so much as possible. Expose yourself completely.
If you do not cut roses on a pink bush, they will not grow up the next year. If you cut 3 roses, next year 7 roses will grow on this bush or even more. Energy and human being also works, if you want to get something new, you need to abandon old, empty yourself, make it ready for adoption. Therefore, at this stage, shaking as much as possible.
This will help you get rid of all the tension in your body. And you can jump out of your rigidity - physical and mental, and again feel vitality and freshness.