At the bus stop , in the autumn , about the seventh school
Sitting woman, completely naked .
Every passer-by, passing by,
Hawked her beer, Baba was wildly offensive.
Two two zero seven conceals
Lenin package in the house.
Find me on the area,
Look for me on Land Street
Where I'm bald and BOAD naebenen in hlaminu .
When you see me with skepni district , fag ,
Since you did not buy tasty vodka and wine
Close to schools in a stall , so you're not we kent ,
Although wearing trendy sneakers,
But when the dancing area - all dancing in boots .
I rode up in the morning as the saiga
Our rural discos
Under the " Black Eyes" .
Wildly headache for breakfast, but
Shit ! the next day that is.
But blew half a gram for breakfast
And then just precipitated .
Then back to expose and Light said :
" Alexander , you just krasava "
To fuck asshole to you, madam .
Yes, if you seen me when I
Went to the hut to Budulai , you would
Right there gave me . Remember how Dima Silin
Marked goals in a match with "pigs " to 96th .
It was a romantic time to in our lives , and now what?
We are only waiting for a lift more Staffa
And bet on the Premier League matches .
Tightly Play poker and fucking listen to NTL.
At the bus stop , in the autumn , about the seventh school
Sitting woman, completely naked .
Every passer-by, passing by,
Hawked her beer, Baba was wildly offensive.