& Quot; Lebedі Maternity & quot;
Tags: Vasyl Symonenko
RM: Anatoliy Pashkevich
Mrіyut krill h fog lebedі Roger-e-evі,
Siplyut nochi at Limani zorі sealing wax-e-evі.
Zaglyadaє a helluva lot kazka sivimi eyes-and-Ima
Materinska good weasel in neї shoulders-and Ima.
Oh bіzhi, bіzhi, disappointment, not to Vertan hati,
I will not let you Kolisko synovitis Goyda-a-ati.
Priplivayte to Kolisko lebedі yak mrі-i-ії,
Opustіtsya, tihі zorі, sinovі pid Bi-i-ії.
Temryavu trivozhili cries pіvnі,
Tantsyuvali lebedі in hatі Visit this user,
Lopotіli methyl methacrylate i rozhevim pіr'yam,
Loskotali haze of gold suzіr'yam.
Viro-virostesh minute, Sin, virushish the road,
Virostut with You rannі prispanі trivogi.
In hmelnі smerkannya, nache, Mavka chornobrovі
Zhdatimut tvoєї nіzhnostі, nіzhnostі th lyubovі.
Ma-ma-ma-ma i can vibrat another brother in spirit,
That He can be rіdnu matіr, Sin, vibirati.
For thee, finding itself will mandruvati
Ochі materinskі i bіlyava hut.
The I Yakscho vpadesh minute, Sin, on someone else's on-olі,
Ukraine will come h i topolі Verbier.
Tobo will be over-au-oyu, leaves zatrіpo-o-found themselves,
Tugoyu Farewell zaloskochut soul.
Everything is possible on svі-i-іtі vibirati, B and Inu,
He can be vibrato tіlki Batkіvschinu.