I want to know everything thoroughly since childhood ,
I look ready for any question answered.
Tags: what, where, and why, and for some reason
All other words more in my heart .
Where , for example , cancer, snowy winters in January
And still can not whistle on the mountain ?
And just who and how was able to establish ,
Nightingale that it is not necessary to feed the fables ?
All I want , All I want , all I want to
The world to know
Discuss , disassemble,
Remember , think, understand !
No doubt, no doubt,
What questions are not easy ,
But all will answer
In TV Club connoisseurs !
One hundred thousand years leading science heated argument ,
And there is no accurate for all the answers so far -
We do not know , although it is high time to learn ,
Who is the mother of Kuzma and where Kudykin mountain ?
What coat patches Trishka whole year?
What ram in new thinking gate?
And why yuk geese ga-ga - gas
And what dog pyattaya leg?
All I want , All I want , all I want to
The world to know
Discuss , disassemble,
Remember , think, understand !
No doubt, no doubt,
What questions are not easy ,
But all will answer
In TV Club connoisseurs !
All I want , All I want , all I want to
The world to know
Discuss , disassemble,
Remember , think, understand !
No doubt, no doubt,
What questions are not easy ,
But all will answer
In TV Club connoisseurs !