Eight of them - the two of us . Alignment before the fight
Not ours, but we'll play !
Sergei ! Hold on, we do not shine with you,
But it is necessary to equate the cards .
I have this square nabesny not leave .
Me the numbers are not important -
Today my friend protects my back ,
And that means that the chances are equal.
I went to the tail & quot; Messer & quot ;, but he puffed ,
Hoarsely howled screws .
They do not even need to cross on the grave ,
Will go on the wings of the cross!
- I - & quot; First & quot ;, I - & quot; First & quot ;, - they are under thee ,
I went out to intercept them .
Shoot down the flames ! Get out into the clouds ! I 'll cover !
In battle, there are no miracles !
Sergey! You 're burning up ! Put your trust , man ,
Now the reliability of the sling !
No! Late - and I went out to meet Messer .
Goodbye ! I'll take him on the forehead .
I know - others will drive them scores.
And the clouds gliding
Take off our souls , two planes -
After all, they can not live without each other .
Archangel will tell us : & quot; In Paradise will be hardly ! & Quot;
But Gates - click,
We ask God : & quot; Fill us with a friend
In some angelic regiment ! & Quot;
And I would ask God , the Spirit and the Son ,
To fulfill the will of my :
Let my friend forever protect my back ,
In this last fight .
We wings and arrows asked God ,
After all, they needed an angel ace ,
And if they have a lot of fighters ,
Let us write in the keepers .
Store - the case of honor too,
Good luck to carry on the wing
Thus , as in life, we were with Sergei ,
And in the air and on the ground.