I learned all the notes from and to,
But who will answer my question directly?
After all, the scales start from the note "C"
And the scales are finished with it.
The notes are dancing apart and sensibly,
Waiting for "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la" and "si" until
Scatters them on the shelves
Someone's impudent hand.
Known to the musical kids -
I do not risk falling into tendentiousness, -
What takes the place of the note "re"
One beat and one eighth.
Whichever tonality you take -
Inequality from sounds is so full of:
The same note - say "mi" -
One is below, the other is of a higher rank.
The notes are dancing apart and sensibly,
Waiting for "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la" and "si" until
Scatters them on the shelves
Someone's impudent hand.
The stanzas are followed by a stanza again -
As before, passes before the gaze,
But there is, say, the note "fa"
Sounds stronger than the same note next to it.
Suddenly, somewhere "flat" was worn out -
And at the same moment he climbed in shamelessly,
Trustworthy salt note
He cheats on himself by half a tone.
The notes are dancing apart and sensibly,
Waiting for "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la" and "si" until
Scatters them on the shelves
Someone's impudent hand.
The composer sat down, quenching his thirst,
And with a rough sign he cut through the music -
And soft as velvet "la"
Raises his voice to "sharp".
And finally - ask Beethoven, -
Without the note "si" there is no game, no singing -
The note "si" rises above all
And from a height he looks at the situation.
The notes are dancing apart and sensibly,
Waiting for "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la" and "si" until
Scatters them on the shelves
Someone's impudent hand.
It is in vain to start a dispute about notes -
They also have aces and secretaries,
It is believed that in "B flat minor"
The funeral marches sound beautifully.
And besides these forced notes
There are also parasitic notes.
Who will play them, who will sing them? ..
But with us - God, and with them - the composer!
The notes are dancing apart and sensibly,
Waiting for "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la" and "si" until
Scatters them on the shelves
Someone's impudent hand.