21. Reforms of Peter in the Governance of the State.
In 1711, the Senate was created - the supreme governing body of the country. He was the highest administrative body for judicial, financial, military and foreign affairs. The members of the Senate were appointed autocrat. To control and supervision of the implementation of state laws in 1722, the position of prosecutor general was introduced.
Instead of the obsolete order system in 1717–1718. 12 colleges were created, each of which was in charge of a certain industry or the sphere of management and obeyed the Senate. Three colleges were considered the main ones: foreign, military and admiralty. The competence of Komerz-, the manufactory and berg-college includes trade and industry issues. Three colleges (cameras, state and revision-) were in charge of finances. The Justice-College was engaged in civil proceedings, but the estate-by the noble land tenure. In 1720, the main magistrate was created, which was in charge of the affairs of the Posad population. Colleges received the right to issue decrees on issues that were part of their competence.
In 1721, the Patriarchate was liquidated and the spiritual collegium was established - the Holy Government Synod, led by the president. Since 1722, supervision of the Synod was carried out by the chief prosecutor appointed by the autocrat from among the high-ranking officials. In fact, church reform led to the elimination of the independent role of the Church and subjugated it to the state.
In 1722, a decree was issued on the throne, according to which the emperor himself appointed the successor.
The consolidation of the noble estate was facilitated by the rank of ranks of 1722, which introduced a new procedure for the service for the nobles. The tablet eliminated the former division of the ruling class into class. The service staircase consisted of 14 steps, or ranks, from Field Marshal in the army and chancellor in the civil service (1st rank) to the ensign and college registrar (14th rank). The new system of maximum bureaucratization of the state qualitatively changed the service estate, including immigrants from other social groups in the nobility.
· College of foreign (foreign) cases - replaced the embassy order, that is, he was in charge of foreign policy.
· Military collegium (military) - completing, weapons, equipment and training of the land army.
· Admiralty college-naval affairs, fleet.
· The estate college-replaced the local order, that is, he was in charge of the noble land ownership (land lawsuits, transactions for the sale of land and peasants, a detective of fugitives) were considered). Founded in 1721.
· Cam-college-collection of state revenues.
· Contractor-college-Veasyla expenses of the state,
· Revision college-control of the collection and spending of state-owned funds.
· Commerce college-issues of shipping, customs and foreign trade.
· Berg-college-mining and metallurgical case (mining industry).
· Manufactory-college-light industry (manufactories, that is, enterprises based on the separation of manual labor).
· The Justice-College-Veasyla by the issues of civil proceedings (the fortress office acted with it: she recorded various acts-merchants, on the sale of estates, spiritual will, debt obligations). She was engaged in the civil and criminal court.
· The spiritual collegium or the Holy Governing Synod - ruled (a) church affairs, replaced (a) the patriarch. Founded (a) in 1721. The composition of this collegium/Synod included representatives of the highest clergy. Since their appointment was carried out by the king, and the decisions were approved, we can say that the Russian emperor became the actual head of the Russian Orthodox Church. The actions of the Synod on behalf of the Higher secular power were controlled by the chief prosecutor-a civil official appointed by the king. By a special decree, Peter I (Peter I) ordered priests to carry an enlightening mission among the peasants: to read them sermons, instructions, to teach children to prayers, to educate them to respect the king and the church.
· The Little Russian College - exercised control over the actions of the hetman, which belonged to the authorities in Ukraine, because there was a special regime of local administration. After the death of the hetman I. I. Skoropadsky in 1722, the new elections of the hetman were banned, and the hetman was first appointed royal decree. The collegium was headed by the tsarist officer.
Colleges were subordinate to the Senate, and they were provincial, provincial and district administration.