Night Mate Cres Heaven, closed farewell tunnel,
Behind us - the army of faith, someone else's cleansing.
Revolched happiness, and gloomy one,
I'm in your power ... What did you die?!
So scary to believe in a miracle, worse just to laugh,
Over the crying juda to sell their happiness
And how many of them who have time to sell someone else's faith,
In someone else's puddle of the seven, have time to do something?
Sloped shutters on earth will rush,
And he even recently could happily laugh ...
Just think - the wind brought out other people's songs,
Open, tell me, Well, where are you? You are all knowing
Give the land all the juices, I will give you all the way!
But no ... In you, the origins of a revolved happiness,
Forever bore pain, and the wind is just laughing
And laughter of the Great Blood and the pain will be wrapped,
And will not return anymore ... although so easy to believe
Our sun will go out, someone else's darkness will come,
Another time will come, a new status will come,
And our generation will seek laugh ...
Opened stains in the sun, and he himself with the Luna
Night in the station, and again with himself
In the conversation with the night of the moon ... and you? And you with the spring,
And only I, insane, with the Lunion of the sky Croy
Without knowing the mercy, I will cut the night with rays,
I saw the sun again ...
For goodbye ...