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  • Текст песни CAVARDAC - Soundwaves

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    На этой странице находится текст песни CAVARDAC - Soundwaves, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    Меня кроет звуковая
    Звуковая волна (кроет)
    Я как будто гуманоид
    Снова ночью без сна (всю ночь)
    Допиваю я стакан
    А стаканчик без дна (воу)
    На меня смотрит с окна (в глаза)
    Только черная бездна
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    Забил на проблемы спасают саундтреки
    Доделал все демки не то что вы черти
    Фонкофский мемфис рубал в библиотке (прям там)
    Упав с табуретки не думал о смерти (нет-нет)
    Дрифт в вагонетке не выпил таблетки
    Нас стопорят в зеленых жилетках
    Шахматной палкой нам машут в глаза
    Очухался дома четыре часа (фо хаурс)
    Меня кроет звуковая
    Звуковая волна (кроет)
    Я как будто гуманоид
    Снова ночью без сна (всю ночь)
    Допиваю я стакан
    А стаканчик без дна (ноу)
    На меня смотрит с окна (глаза в глаза)
    Только черная бездна
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back

    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    The sound is covering me
    Sound wave (covers)
    It's like I'm a humanoid
    Again at night without sleep (all night)
    I finish my glass
    And the glass has no bottom (whoa)
    Looks at me from the window (in the eyes)
    Only a black abyss
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    Soundtracks save problems
    I finished all the demos, not like you devils
    Fonkofsky Memphis rubbed in the library (right there)
    Falling off the stool, I didn’t think about death (no, no)
    Drift in the trolley didn't take his pills
    We are stopped in green vests
    They wave a chess stick in our eyes
    Woke up at home for four hours (fo house)
    The sound is covering me
    Sound wave (covers)
    It's like I'm a humanoid
    Again at night without sleep (all night)
    I finish my glass
    A glass without a bottom (no)
    He looks at me from the window (eye to eye)
    Only a black abyss
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back
    All this soundwaves goes right through my head ya
    Forward and a back ya forward and a back

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