Ave mundi spes Maria, ave mitis, ave pia, ave plena gratia.
Ave virgo singularis, quae per rubum designaris non passum incendia.
Ave rosa speciosa, ave Jesse virgula:
Cujus fructus nostri luctus relaxavit vincula.
Ave cujus viscera contra mortis foedera ediderunt filium.
Ave carens simili, mundo diu flebili reparasti gaudium.
Ave virginum lucerna, per quam fulsit lux superna his quos umbra tenuit.
Ave virgo de qua nasci, et de cujus lacte pasci rex caelorum voluit.
Ave gemma coeli luminarium.
Ave Sancti Spiritus sacrarium.
Oh, quam mirabilis, et quam laudabilis haec est virginitas!
In qua per spiritum facta paraclitum fulsit foecunditas.
Oh, quam sancta, quam serena, quam benigna, quam amoena esse virgo creditur!
Per quam servitus finitur, porta coeli aperitur, et libertas redditur.
Oh, castitatis lilium, tuum precare filium, qui salus est humilium:
Ne nos pro nostro vitio, in flebili judicio subjiciat supplicio.
Sed nos tua sancta prece mundans a peccati faece collocet in lucis domo.
Amen dicat omnis homo.
Rejoice, hope of the world , Mary, Hail, gentle, Hail, pious , Hail, full of grace .
Rejoice, only Virgo , whose image - the bush does not burn in the flame.
Rejoice, gorgeous rose , hail Esseeva branch ,
Whose Fruit freed us from the shackles of sorrow.
Rejoice, ( one ) whose womb gave birth to the Son, lest He conquered death slavery .
Hail , matchless , the world is so miserable you brought joy
Rejoice , lamp virgins Arising from which the light of heaven to those who were in chains of darkness.
Rejoice, O Virgin, from which to be born and from whose breast feed wished the King of Heaven.
Rejoice, heavenly luminaries treasure Hail, sanctuary of the Holy Spirit .
About how amazing and how it is to be praised chastity !
In which appeared in an instant pregnancy , created by the Spirit the Comforter .
O how holy, how serene , how kind, how charming Virgo in our faith ,
through which ends slavery, open the gates of heaven and back freedom .
Oh lily of purity , pray thy Son, which is the salvation of the oppressed ,
To us in a sad justice was not subjected to a penalty for our vices ,
But thy holy prayer, clearing off dirt of sin , let us in the house of light.
Yes, every man will say , "Amen ."